Friday, April 25, 2008

good news

I found out Sunday i was accept to the nursing school at john tyler I'm so excited. I start on august19. but this comes with some sadness too. i have to quit nannying for the best people a person could imagine working for. I cry when i think about not watching will he is the sweetest baby and i been with him since birth almost. So school is going to be rough but i want ti really bad i hope to get a job in labor and delivery. I'm so excited about this i didn't think it would ever come.but it here and I'm so scared and happy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

spring break

This whole pasted week I was on spring break.form work but not school. I spent the night at m friends Brian and kaitys house four nights. we had a lot of fun. braxton is getting so big and walking a little better everyday. Kaity watches two sweet kids they are twins and they are so cute.I have fallen in love with them. They are so funny and cute. We had so much funny with them over the four days i stayed there.
Me and my husband went to the movies on Easter and out to eat we had a great time together. we ate at the pizza place in south park mall then we saw diary of the dead. it was good but scary to me i really don't like horror movies but my husband does. so all together it was a great week and good holiday.
Today was my first day back at work and I missed my little Will so much over the week. it felt like a month has past since i aw him last. I'm so glad he did not forget me over the break.he such a sweet baby and i love him so much i cant believe how long it been since i started there. I'm so attached to him. he'll be 7 months on the 5 and it seems like yesterday i started working with him. well i guess that enough for now.